So for our group we were given an unknown object that looked like a speaker or a microphone. After looking further into the part CEM-1203 we quickly realized that we were holding a buzzer.

Once we figured this out we moved on to try and make this bad boy buzz a little. We scoured the internet and found tons of examples which made the process a lot easier. Below is a picture of the first working prototype

This one was very annoying to listen to because as you plug it in the buzzer would just buzzzzzz. I then moved on to include a button and find a better song.
Below is the initial code to get the buzzer buzzin:
void setup() {
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // set a pin for buzzer output
void loop() {
buzz(4, 2500, 500); // buzz the buzzer on pin 4 at 2500Hz for 500 milliseconds
delay(1000); // wait a bit between buzzes
void buzz(int targetPin, long frequency, long length) {
long delayValue = 1000000/frequency/2; // calculate the delay value between transitions
//// 1 second's worth of microseconds, divided by the frequency, then split in half since
//// there are two phases to each cycle
long numCycles = frequency * length/ 1000; // calculate the number of cycles for proper timing
//// multiply frequency, which is really cycles per second, by the number of seconds to
//// get the total number of cycles to produce
for (long i=0; i < numCycles; i++){ // for the calculated length of time...
digitalWrite(targetPin,HIGH); // write the buzzer pin high to push out the diaphram
delayMicroseconds(delayValue); // wait for the calculated delay value
digitalWrite(targetPin,LOW); // write the buzzer pin low to pull back the diaphram
delayMicroseconds(delayValue); // wait againf or the calculated delay value
(above is the working buzzer with button)
Below is the more complex code for the Can Can;
int noteFreqArr[] = {49.4, 52.3, 55.4, 58.7, 62.2, 65.9, 69.9, 74, 78.4, 83.1, 88, 93.2, 98.8, 105, 111, 117, 124, 132, 140, 148, 157, 166, 176, 186, 198, 209, 222, 235, 249, 264, 279, 296, 314, 332, 352, 373, 395, 419, 444, 470, 498, 527, 559, 592, 627, 665, 704, 746, 790, 837, 887, 940, 996, 1050, 1110, 1180, 1250, 1320, 1400, 1490, 1580, 1670, 1770, 1870, 1990, 2100};
long mode = 0;
void setup() { pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // set a pin for buzzer output}
void playNote(long noteInt, long length, long mode, long breath = 25) { length = length - breath; long noteInt2 = noteInt + 12; //1 octave up long noteInt3 = noteInt + 24; //2 octaves up long noteInt4 = noteInt + 36; //3 octaves up long playLoop = length / 100; //divide length by 4, for use in play sequence if(mode == 0) { //mode 0 sequence for (long i=0; i < playLoop; i++){ buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt2], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt4], 20); delay(5); } } else if(mode == 1) { //mode 1 sequence for (long i=0; i < playLoop; i++){ buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt4], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt4], 20); delay(5); } } else if(mode == 2) { //mode 2 sequence for (long i=0; i < playLoop; i++){ buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt3], 20); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt2], 20); delay(5); } } else if(mode == 3) { //mode 3 sequence for (long i=0; i < playLoop; i++){ buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt4], 40); delay(5); buzz(4, noteFreqArr[noteInt2], 40); delay(5); } } if(breath > 0) { //take a short pause or 'breath' if specified delay(breath); }}
void loop() {
//main course playNote(12, 500, mode); playNote(5, 1000, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(12, 500, mode); playNote(12, 500, mode); playNote(12, 250, mode); playNote(14, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(7, 500, mode); playNote(7, 500, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(5, 250, mode); playNote(17, 250, mode); playNote(16, 250, mode); playNote(14, 250, mode); playNote(12, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(5, 1000, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(12, 500, mode); playNote(12, 500, mode); playNote(12, 250, mode); playNote(14, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(7, 500, mode); playNote(7, 500, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(10, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(5, 250, mode); playNote(12, 250, mode); playNote(7, 250, mode); playNote(9, 250, mode); playNote(5, 250, mode); delay(250);
if(mode == 0) { mode = 1; } else if(mode == 1) { mode = 2; } else if(mode == 2) { mode = 3; } else if(mode == 3) { mode = 0; }}
void buzz(int targetPin, long frequency, long length) { long delayValue = 1000000/frequency/2; // calculate the delay value between transitions //// 1 second's worth of microseconds, divided by the frequency, then split in half since //// there are two phases to each cycle long numCycles = frequency * length/ 1000; // calculate the number of cycles for proper timing //// multiply frequency, which is really cycles per second, by the number of seconds to //// get the total number of cycles to produce for (long i=0; i < numCycles; i++){ // for the calculated length of time... digitalWrite(targetPin,HIGH); // write the buzzer pin high to push out the diaphram delayMicroseconds(delayValue); // wait for the calculated delay value digitalWrite(targetPin,LOW); // write the buzzer pin low to pull back the diaphram delayMicroseconds(delayValue); // wait againf or the calculated delay value }}
In case you want to create your own song
These are the frequency values that correlate to notes that we can recognize
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