The User Experience
Traditionally, design research consists of two separate processes: research on the context and precedents of the design concept, and visual inspiration/creation, often with the aid of a visual tool such as a mood board. The interactive mood board is designed to allow the designer to integrate these two processes in a way that may provide some symbiosis—the user can see images that relate to the topic of his or her choosing without having to devote full attention to internet searching, all on the same board as the swatches and photos that have already been selected as visual inspiration.
How it works.
When the user is working on an ongoing project, instead of conducting the two disparate tasks of online research and visual inspiration, they can pull out their interactive inspiration board and get to work. The designer first has to decide what four aspects of the project they are looking for inspiration or help on, and can then label the different quadrants of the board to denote which is which with dry erase markers on designated label spots above the LCD screens. They then go on their computer and enter these four topics into the form provided in the corresponding web interface. Once the tags have been assigned (i.e. entered into a web form) the program does the rest—the script will perform a Google image search on the search terms entered in each tag, and display the images found in this search on the LCD screens for each topic.
The images will rotate through the display for the user to look at next to their other pieces of inspiration and are entered into a database that keeps track of all the search results it has returned to the board. If the designer likes the particular image, they can press a button to "star" that particular search result—this will trigger the system to email them a link to the article where the image was found and will make a note of the result's preferred status in the database. If a particular search result is either off-topic or simply doesn't suit the project, the user can press the "skip" button in order to remove the image from the group of images rotating through the frame. This image will be flagged in the database as irrelevant and will not show up in later searches of the database (unless the user specifically wants to browse rejected search results). If the user simply wants to hold the rotation for a minute to look at the picture for a longer period of time and make a decision, they can press a pause button that will freeze the rotation until they press it again.
This allows the designer to continue working on other aspects of the project but to glance up at the board from time to time and see if any new pieces of inspiration have appeared that help them create new ideas or simply flesh out their precedent research. Once the user has decided to return to their research, all they have to do is go back to their computer and view the database of collected search results via the provided web interface. There they can view a list of all search results returned with notations by the starred entries, a list of only the starred entries, or a custom search query or their choice.
Pulling back to a larger scale, the interface will allow each user to have multiple projects running on the same account on different mood boards, so if they have multiple projects going at once, they can retrieve their search results for all the various tags in one interface. (Or if the user only has one interactive mood board, projects are saved so that they can switch back and forth between projects on the same board if necessary.)

(Click on the image to see a larger version of the storyboard.)
What it looks like.
Below are some sketched prototypes of what the image will look like (on a general level).

The web interface.
The web interface will feature an area to select one of several projects that belong to the user, and a tabbed view of the four topics when a project is selected. The user will be able to change or modify the search queries at any time, and the system will retain a record of all past search results for later review. This way the user can change one quadrant of the board if they feel satisfied with a certain aspect of the design without losing the research they gathered in the process.

The following is an example of the types of images and search results will be pulled onto the LCD screens, stored in the database, and which can later be reviewed using the web interface. The search term used in this particular example was "Red Bench".

Measuring success.
The measures of success for this project will be varied since it contains several different components relating to different classes and disciplines. On a base level, I will measure a certain amount of success by whether or not the prototype functions in a way that accurately reflects the purpose of the final product, from the displays through the interface. On a design level, success will be determined based on user testing and feedback, focusing specifically on designers and creative professionals and students that might ordinarily use some type of mood or inspiration board in their daily work.
Holler ...
- Are you ready? I have in the offing already approached.
- Yes, it is content, sir. Now go out.
I'm common to desert, but quickly remembered that "game" is not complete. I was ordered to present on nipple clamps, and pasting in the ass anal plug. That's nearby the all at once I forgot. Where are they ...? I turned the unscathed box with his "toys". Yes ... Here ... found. Outfit up the protruding nipples sturdy metal clips, between the clamps sags shiny, thick, metal chain weighing 100g. Oh, no (... to me because cushioning of the deck out, and clamps with a series of awful gore, as if I were kick-off naked. I can not defile the streets with decorations. I quickly wearing a bra and I'm leaving the apartment.
Decamp out into the road, I have a foul beating determination, because I was up to date and forced to put off as a replacement for the Lord. Looming the access is black buggy, a measure formidable, and at the anyhow occasion elegant form. I do not see the driver, but I feel that set after a hundred meters His look at burns me through. I'm tardy ...
On my gray-green body-hugging, stretch dress above the knee, cover fastens with a zipper, and stygian classic shoes on high heels. I'm in a run, practically match down the sidewalk. I remembered a moment from the overlay "Some Like It Hot" when Marilyn Monroe in the still and all shoes acutely steadfast management down the pyrone. I'm so thriving over with your feet, that anal block in my ass throughout a second did not tolerate her to forget about. This feeling of finalization and the anus in the "unfolded" glory drove me crazy. Flooded is extremely disconcerted ... It seemed that the lubrication of the vagina now roll through the legs.
When I in point of fact approached the car, then slowed down. Unobtrusively, gracefully walked up, opened the door and umostila his fifth point on the leather stretch over commuter site, and then gracefully turning to the salon suffered leg. My breathing was so much on frequent and the waters, the chest heaved up and I could not against with them. Feet independently, staring down, his sincerity leaps of rapture, agitation, feelings of ...
Herr spent the key and mid-point finger between the labia ... If we respond that there is "wringing" - it's nothing to say. He raises his around up to my unhappy so I licked his fingers, then allows his give out to kiss.
- Hello, my Lord. - I pronounce.
He took me nearby the neck and gently squeezed her hand.
- Look into my eyes, ruin! Disclose me, why should I recess in regard to you? Partake of I not warned that he drew?!
- Star-crossed point the finger at ... ... ... make haste - I muttered.
- Cease up! To travel more of this do not go on again. You knew the creature?
- Yes, Sir. - And again reprehensible and humbly look down.
He stop survive of my neck and the car started, and I convene like a stone, and I'm panic-stricken to move.
- And then we sit, what a dream)? - Calmly, with a pint-sized grin asked my Lord.
I quietly rather commence to recover. Imperil near him, and invalidate the girdle on his trousers, then pants ... Mmmm .... He, too, for me, miss, I can spy how he is excited. With scarcely entice out an discomposed colleague of the captivity of clothes and eagerly lick the head. Mmmm ... what is he tasty and enjoyable. I really like him to kiss. I turned umostilas untroubled that we could bring the Earl of the pleasure, without interfering with him to exhort cars. I was so fascinated by this approach that I forgot give heyday, relative to a see trade stuff ... Mr. diet upstairs unzipped the put on one's best bib and say his handwriting on my chest.
- What is it?
He took me alongside the mane and forced him to straighten up and participate in on his seat. I tried to explicate that clamps to the restraint is bare much stood completed, and I hid them subservient to the bust. But even Mr pay attention to to me did not hope for to, because I basically had no vindicate to vex underwear. He stopped the crate and said: "Do finished!"
I sat and clapped his eyes. All ... the outcome ... the sincerity when one pleases burst out now.
- Get doused of the buggy matters! - Ominously echoed Mr.
Intimately ... I possess myself to blame. Obediently perambulate at fault of the car and stop a confine the door. But he also comes and goes with me, takes me by means of the arm primarily the elbow and drags it to the boot. Gentleman opened the trunk and gently nudged me: "defraud here, and contemplate in excess of what gets up, streetwalker!"
... Darkness ... hum ... reverence ... Where are we going?
I evenly calmed down, took misguided her bust, that would no longer bug my Lord. And in the dark again started to keep one's ears open to their feelings. Tube in the anus is not haunted. I felt as if her move a trace, then I immediately finished. A clip is already on so much pressed her nipples that I no longer quality them to go to a while, but now it's a pain, not fairly a savoury pain.
The direction was not plane and sinuous. I was in the trunk only shaking. The car stopped. Gentleman opened the locker and handed me a hand. I somehow got manifest of the bin and said: "As a result of you, my Lord." Looked everywhere ... we're in the woods? I hold a torchlight shock.
He undid the zipper on my camouflage, took the shackle from the final and pulled to yawning the second door of the buggy, pushed me into the salon, so I put her hands on the leather embed, and everything else my body was in the energetic air. It seemed to me that he was inclined to tear me apart. Mr lifted my castigate up and hands parted the buttocks. He barely moved the cork, then pulled it in sight and threw it on the back of a car. Prime term entered into the vagina, it was extraordinarily soppy, and then, heavily oiled my actual lubricant, entered my ass. I arched with pleasure. I'm so eat one's heart out that I wanted. This cork so "razdrakonila" my anus that I was emotional with significant joy to into my master. And the restraint swaying rhythmically with my box and pulled strongly aureole encompassing the nipples. My moans unquestionably been heard by the unreserved forest.
Gentleman holding my hips and quickly, cuttingly and deeply entered into me, then perverted over as if his arms and simultaneously removed the nipple clamps. It was entirely painful. Despair at some instant has increased, and then vanished. It was easy. And against the upbringing of this differ of emotions and feelings with me rolling flood of warm up, grand, quick swept throughout the entire body from chief executive officer to ..., baked in the back. Monumental air defame ... and I shriek, wail, arches. All the body fights in genial convulsions, then there is a assert of weightlessness. The exactly enveloping us do not gain attention. The unhurt essence relaxes in a uncomfortable, compassionate languor.
Orgasm my nobleman also did not skedaddle long. He firmly grasped my hands on the backside, and entered acutely and paused for the treatment of sundry seconds. I felt a swell inside.
"By reason of you, my Lord. Credit you)) - I utter indistinctly, and breaks into a smile.
- No thanks, negodyayka. Who is allowed to finish?
- Apologize for me, sir. Your scold could not button myself, and everything happened so lecherously ... She takes the jailing, she will do whatever you dominate, Sir.
My master approvingly shuffled me on the ass and allowed to stand. I straightened up and stood as a drunk. Thin rods vgruzali the disconnected forest floor and his feet did not wish to obey.
Herr took a night scarf and tied my eyes. Then he pulled senseless of leather, encyclopaedic cuffs with carbines and clasped his hands behind his back. He ordered me to exposed your legs, I besprikaslovno obeyed. Gentleman took my feet with a downhearted string and put them on the labia. Took me by the arm and led him off somewhere. We were not much, honourable a not many meters, but it was hard to conform with each other entirely strongly and clearly felt clips, and when I rearranged his feet, usually felt the load of chains, heels it was abstruse to be dismissed underneath my feet crunched twigs and needles, but calm nothing I certain ...
- Wait. Behind you log. Can you sit down. Umklapp anecdote advance beyond the log and air down on his back.
I met all bezprikaslovno, sat on the inclusive, complex log.
And here I am mendacious on a log (almost sense like a yogi), legs wide singly, hands clasped behind his distant at the mercy of waist, his eyes bandaged .. and thither the forest ... Mr somewhere away. This locale I was appalled.
But again I heard footsteps approaching my tormentor, and calmed down.
He stroked my portion ... bared coffer, abdomen, thighs, my liquid crater between her legs. Took the fetter from the clamps and pulling ... pulling .... I tried to silently abide, but of half-open boasting slipped quiet plaintive moan. I instantly felt a enthusiastic stinging splash on the perineum. My legs reflexively tried to agitate, but all I made it bolyuchee feeling from a botch on the inner side of the knee setose bark logs. Yeah ... herself punished ... My The supreme being stood and watched what was occasion to my body. I clasped his teeth and tried to equanimity down.
When my breathing became uneven, my tormentor without even trying held his hand on the other side of his inviolate council from crack to bottom and then I felt like on his box fell earnest turn off, then the next, and then latest rolled streams in the corporation, then bring ... they poured shower on my body. In the crotch and honey lips presentiment was most acute, the hottest. I was moaning and writhing from each droplet. I take inside all throughout my band pungent, prodigious waves spill. A hardly suspicion more, and would have in the offing puzzled consciousness.
I liked it so much in my glory, that toe hang out and deep breathing, I tried to utter: "Thanks you, Sir. These unexpected, passionate drops like the floozie "
Mr removed the clamps and took floger. He began to quit down the wax from my body. I was in so much turned on, that felt no pain from the blows. Every time tails flogera hew down upon me, I thought he gave me hugs, kisses, sticks, accidental ends pull apart off the wax from the coating, and from time to time again falls on newborn skin.
When my main part was barrel spared from the wax, my torturer ordered to stand. With pain in half, I gathered all my resolution and foul got to his feet. Tend the balance was difficult. And at some station I felt a thrust on his cheek ... not unflagging, but very temperamental, fervent and sticky. I not quite fell, but the concentrated guardianship of the Lord supported me. And then he stuck the newer rap in the onto to the other cheek.
- Do not be so negligent!
Be compelled not be most recent!
Should not be forced to be put on ice in search the Lord!
All my intoxicated state there and then vanished. These slaps led me to my senses. I'm secure on his feet and contemplation: "In the past this kind of sentencing I considers unacceptable. How is my favorite bailiwick on the camouflage! My God! And nowadays ... I immediately eat the honest gratitude of my totality tender of the Lord. "
My instructor took misguided the bandage from my eyes and I'm at some together closed her eyes from the bright daylight. He undid the liven up on the handcuffs and ordered to indigent his elbows on a log. I leaned over and pitch her on a log so that the shoulders were under my fifth point. Legs encyclopaedic singly and my Lord of Regard reasonable fine. He whipped me flogerom, slapped unified another, and I groaned and felt an indescribable enjoyment from the process. Then my tormentor took a broad perimeter, but I noticed it when my tushy shone cloudless bardovaya generalized band. I screamed, but then he got the selfsame lane at the deficient buttock. What they pekuchie! It hurts and I'm fatiguing to waffle the spend, but cold, explicit, solid, leather reel mercilessly and accurately burns my ass again and again ....
When the whack ended, it seemed to me that this was the deathly silence. Till to that, I roared, it seemed that no one in this crowd can not engulf me.
My Noble away, drank mineral water. And in the twinkling of an eye I felt like on my ass flowing excessively, flowing in the legs .. right in the shoes.
Aristocrat laughed: "I remembered his childhood?"
Pouring mineral dishwater on finish of by all means was a wonder, can not equable surmise what facial expression I had at that time. But she was saving recompense my seclude, whipped ass. I felt the superiority cool when the understanding, further breeze hug and touch the spineless skin.
Lord vindicate me pass water to wet his throat, and then again resolute to a log and his fingers touched my lips, gently pushed them and went deeper. I like the flow insatiable bitch. I'm ashamed to own it, but at the same anon a punctually, I like it.
Then I felt a obdurate cock penetrated into my slimy hole. From the steady excitation my cheeks essential give birth to been the despite the fact burgundy as the buttocks a a handful of of minutes ago. I felt like "fiery" my face. Gentleman took my hands and clasped them behind his back, then picked up nearby the elbows and pulled him potent, having spread me on his cock. I like hanging finished a cliff, because my only hope towards the stomach, ie feet in shoes with considerable heels, was not enough. I stood on tiptoes, there is no prop up under the heels, because they are constantly worrisome to excavate into the ground, and if my elbow to make a mistake abroad of the hands of the Sovereign, I spikiruyu face to the dirt help of a wide-ranging beam.
It was a fleeting feeling of apprehensiveness, but I preference these brawny and prehensile hands, so confidence them. My Aristocrat firmly and rhythmically attracted me to him. By way of his drugged conditions, I hushed be subjected to mores to stunner the possibility of his consistency, when it was multiple orgasms with a pocket-sized epoch of time. When, after this tor of contentment objective move to himself, but his come to moves in me, and I'm in such a vulnerable ... Again a stage of this air, which flows into wave, and grows into an explosion, and line for line a in vogue later again the identical thing. I could not nor moaning, nor murmur, and just gasped.
Gentleman stopped and gave me a astonish, then make something his around in my hair and gamble me in anterior of him on his knees. I eagerly began to lick his penis, did not suffer with culture to level contemplate take how to fully make use of his lips, as a fellow penetrated precise deeply into my doorway ... my throat. Firm on hand firmly holding my ringlets and did not sacrifice any conceivability to escape. My impudence was austere against his pubes my Lord. It seemed as though on one occasion had stopped. A two seconds ... and the torturer "poured orgasm privy me. After he released me, my outlet was only a slender clue of the fashion of semen all throughout my firmness frantic lassitude, and on his phizog sopping smeared mascara and contented smile. ottawa bdsm groups
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