The first impression for me is this : A pen which embedded mini-camera so you can automatically scan what you wrote. More than that , you can record and write spontaneously and play it by your pen. If you are looking for something amazing and fun , just follow kids and see where they gathering. Kids wont say something that : "I know thats Processing" or "Do you use MaxMSP and Arduino ?" They just enjoy something magical and full of story , user friendly (most of them have no patience...)
The second one is really cool : The Liquid metal by Japanese artist Sachiko Kodama and Minako Takeno. I saw this artwork on youtube and studio class before, but now I watching it in person ! It is relatively small than my expectation , you can operate it by rolling a bar . It's absolutely proper to show this piece of work in maker fair , what I mean by that is , It demonstarte the gorgeous phenomenon in science and translate to art , well , maybe nature itself is art , and it remind us.
The third one is BYOB (Bring Your Own Books)
This project utilized Processing and MaxMSP Jitter patch to create a public project , invited people to throw their books against the wall and see how its letters splash , fall and disapeear. The kids really like it , out of my expectation ! I do believe there is some problem in education and school nowadays....check it out.