27 First Day
Sign-up To Blog, Review Parts to get and where/how, Install operating system. Do homework Hello World, Hand-out Arduinos
Show Home Work. Discuss LED's, Lumi's Viewing Radius. Find LED
time-pieces, blog them. Make a series of LED's fire. Explore Time and
Squence in Code. Explore Position in Space for Effect. Assign Student
Student Lectures Begin. Topic and Homework - LED Light and Time, Resisters, Series/Parallel.
10 Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - LED Light and Time- PWM and general construction and material effects.
Movie Theremin
Attend Toy Fair 15-18th. Blog 3 items you liked there. Include photo,
name, maker's name, and one paragraph of why you like it.
Show LED light Projects - Crit
24 Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - Order Speakers and other parts. Sound, Speakers, IR sensors, Ultra-sonic sensors
Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - IR sensors, Ultra-sonic sensors, Feedback via LED's
3 Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - More on IR sensors, Ultra-sonic sensors, Feedback via LED's
Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - Sound and Music Feedback via Speakers, PWM
10 Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - Sound Resonance in Material. Prototype 1
Student Lectures. Topic and Homework - Prototype 2
16 to 22 Spring Break
24 Project Crits, Prototypes 3
31 Electro-Plush, Sewing and Plush Fabric/construction- Focus on Fabric/Stuffing. Focus on Enclosures. Research Other Elecro-Plush, Find 3 and Describe why, never the same one.
7 Electro-Plush, Prototype 1 -- User Play-Testing
14 Electro-Plush, Prototype 2-- User Play-Testing
21 Holocaust Remembrance Day -- Prototype 3
28 Electro-Plush, Clone and Network-- User Play-Testing
5 Final Presenation
12 Last Day of Class. Individual Reviews.
18 Classes and exams end.