Prewired Digital Audio Recorder from Radioshack
1K ohm resistor(s)
9 volt battery
8 ohm speaker (or small 16 ohm)
Velcro/button for access to battery
Outer element:
Cloth-ribbon or elastic (1.5 " thick)
Conductive fabric
Wire wrap
220 ohm resistor
Arduino Diecimilia (or Arduino mini + usb adapter)
Sharp IR Sensor
On/Off switches
-not necessary for outer element because sound only occurs
for 20 seconds. Will not continuously play unless it is exposed to light.
-at 16 ohms but is too large to fit in most vitamin bottles. Need to look into replacing it with a smaller speaker -- is an 8 ohm speaker going to be a problem? Should I find a smaller 16 ohm?
Size of insert:
-Must be able to fit in the hole of the vitamin bottle and not be too tall as to make it difficult to take a vitamin. If it is too bulky or too long I need to consider making a special bottle that has this insert integrated. Or perhaps a giant pill organizer.
Size of outer element:
-Arduino important for such a small function...hooking up an IR sensor to an LED? Arduino mini would probably be ideal...but I already have a normal size Arduino.
Shape of outer element:
-Should it take the form of a vitamin? Should it just be like a pillow? It will be made of fabric.
Battery access:
-Must be easy to access the battery for both elements.
What about calling it V-mind? It sounds like remind and might be a little more catchy. Or, better yet, what about V-minder? Then it kind of has a double meaning. Reminder, and a minder of your vitamins. Anyways, just a thought!
Posted by: M | November 18, 2008 at 11:37 AM
What about calling it V-mind? It sounds like remind and might be a little more catchy. Or, better yet, what about V-minder? Then it kind of has a double meaning. Reminder, and a minder of your vitamins. Anyways, just a thought!
Posted by: M Bethancourt | November 18, 2008 at 11:39 AM