RFID Reader Test 01 from Jennifer Dopazo on Vimeo.
This video shows the ID-12 module testing, there's no Arduino code included, just a simple circuit built with the chip and powering it. Some pictures of the Circuit Process.
After failing with the soldering, Yury suggested me to wire wrap the pins.
Then I wire wrapped header pins to the chip.
I marked the pins I needed to use.
The circuit
RFID Test 03 from Jennifer Dopazo on Vimeo.
After testing the chip, and checking that it was functioning, I uploaded an Arduino code [link] to read the chip's identification number. The new thing on the circuit, is a cable from 9 from the ID-12 to the RX pin of the Arduino Board.
This is the diagram I'm stil using to build this circuit, using for the moment an Arduino Diecimilla for tests instead of the Arduino Mini.
Since each tag has a unique number, I decided to pick three of them and mark them for the next iteration of the code.
RFID Test 02 from Jennifer Dopazo on Vimeo.
The third test I made, was to give each of the tags the name of the items I'll be working with. Right now the feedback I'm getting from the Arduino is to print the name of the item on the serial monitor, and lighting a specific LED.
RFID Test 03 from Jennifer Dopazo on Vimeo.
I created three different sounds with the piezo buzzer and Arduino.
RFID Test 04 from Jennifer Dopazo on Vimeo.
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