The Luminites only realized the potential hazard that lurked in their continuous dumping of toxic and radioactive wastes into the largest crater of their home moon after it fully realized and the zombie rose. They nicknamed it Valentine because it "would stop your heart," and the masses felt a little better upon hearing that the government was in the process of dealing with Valentine.
Though the minions that Valentine "converted" were easily dealt with, he could not be. Valentine could not be subdued by force, his brute strength and radioactivity destroyed anything that got close enough to try.
After many terrible years of destruction, the elite scientists of Lumina produced a new light whose glow could potentially calm Valentine by stabilizing his radioactive decay. However, the light had to be applied to the zombie from close range, and there was still nothing that existed to survive so close to him so the light could work.
Again the scientists went into seclusion for a time. After many failings, they managed to splice the molecular structure of the very rare Lucine crystal (which could not be affected by radiation) and that of an adult Luminite and they created Lucifer, in whose right hand was implanted the "Soothe Star."
The final battle took about five minutes, and Valentine was in a meditative rest. The zombie's reign was over. The citizens were safe. Lucifer and the scientists were celebrated across the moon as great heroes.
However, unforeseen by the scientists was Lucifer's unquenchable greed for power, and there was nothing to stop him from threatening innocent Luminites with Zombie Wrath until they gave him everything he wanted. Overnight, the moon was forged to the whims of Lucifer.
As for the scientists, they grabbed what equipment they could and retreated to the distant mountains. "At least..." they said to themselves, "at least we stopped the zombie. We only have to come up with a new strategy."
I also tried to create my own 3D pattern, but it was a terrible failure. Nevertheless I finished it, and it looked like this:
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