I did 3 Arduino programs:
1) Shooting star: turns on a row of LEDs in sequence, to look like a shooting star
2) Hooking up a push-button to turn on and off the pin 13 LED.
3) Communicating between Arduino and Max/MSP
I put the first two programs into a single program so I could run them both on the board at once. This works fine, except I noticed that the push-button OFF state gets delayed slightly when both programs are together. Not sure why...perhaps it has something to do with the order in which things are happening in the loop.
For this reason, I kept the Max program separate, as I didnt' want to slow anything down further.
I also tried to get Flash talking to Arduino. I got Flash to (ostensibly) connect and say hello, but the Arduino wasn't receiving messages or sending back responses. I think this may be a com port issue, but I haven't figured it out.
Photos to come...