
  • Yury Gitman
    Instructor: Making Wireless Plush Toys, Design Technology Department
  • Caty Bartholomew
    Instructor: Toy Concept Development and Design, Illustration Department

Taught At The Parsons New School for Design

December 2006

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Member since 08/2003

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I am not a huge fan of felt as a material for any type of child's toy (call it a pet peeve) but I really love the idea of interactive toys that are educational at the same time, these toys really seem to have achieved that. They're cute characters that also educate, you have my thumbs up :)


Great Idea! Children will definitely love this and a great website will help them learn about our environment with all its diverse inhabitants. I agree with the above post that felt isnt the best material maybe something like plush toys would work better.


try awesome plush toys

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What's Happening Here

  • This blog documents the work of students in two separate Parsons classes and departments. MAKING WIRELESS PLUSH TOYS designs, sews, and solders interactive soft toys. MAKING WIRELESS PLUSH TOYS is a class in the CDT department, Communication Design Technology. TOY CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN deals with the fundamentals of ideation, development and design. TOY CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN is a class in the Illustration Department. These are two separate classes that take place in two separate departments and have two separate groups of students. The Professors decided to create one blog for the class to help promote the cross-fertilization of ideas and warm fuzzy feelings between departments.