For our final project we were interested in a physical interaction
between four people.
They will be divided to two couples; the two
couples will compete in our remote controlled game.
The game includes two controllable OBJECTS (based on two hacked remote
controlled cars). Each couple controls one object via buttons (hacked
remote controls)
Player 1 controls the Forward and Backward of object A
Player 2 controls the Left and Right of the same object (A)
Player 3 controls the Forward and Backward of object B
Player 4 controls the Left and Right of object B…
These objects can be moved around on the floor of the play area.
The goal is to gain points by passing through the right GATE or POLES.
Four POLES/GATES are scattered in the play area and programmed to
light up randomly, but not at the same time. The first object out of
the two that gets to the POLE (via the control of the players) will
earn the same couple/group a point, which will be displayed on the
fussball style scoreboard (see sketch).
Here are some images of toy-hacking and circuits, more info in the flickr link