1. Artists Amanda and Michelle posted this girl-controlling-a-robot plush on their blog.
And also on their web-site.
2.The vinyl version of the simple yet very cool looking Wee Ninja, designed by Shan Smith.
3. The Beat-up Boris plush with a broken arm...
made by PureEva is on sale here
and on flickr here
The same designer also made a cool plush Crazy Kitten
which I think is pretty amazing looking.
As for my disassembled toy, I used a opened up a pretty simple Bed-time Jojo plush...
All of the images on a flickr set
and some over here;
Bedtime Jojo is suppose to help kid go to bed.
It is a simple interactive toy that kids might
now from Disney’s Circus. Two switches are activating a sound-chip to play phrases in random mode.
Bedtime Jojo is made in China...
Clothes pattern, parts disassembled
Left to right:
Battery pack
Speaker and circuit board
Arm switches