Dissection (Ana)
Side two: Enrie
Enrie and Bert before the dissection
Removing the stitches
The plastic ball with toy's electronics. The white cotton pouch has the
wires inside.
Opening the plastic tie that holds the white cotton to remove the fabric parts from the electronic parts.
The fabric parts unfold and ready to open the ball with the electronics
The patterns
The switches (push buttons) are inside the fabric bag behind the mouth.
The switches
Disassembling the switches
Opening the batteries compartiment
Opening the plastic ball with all the electronic parts and the wires that are connected to the switches.
All the mechanisms of the toy
The speacker that Enrie and Bert use to be heard.
The back of the circuit board
The blury front of the circuit board
The Motor
All the toy after the dissection
The label: Fischer Price/Mattel. Sesame trademark.
Made in China. Surface washable only.