You can call me Becky. I'm a perennial do-it-yourself-er, crafter, sewer, knitter, ad hoc chef, knee-jerk environmentalist, lover of olives, and waterer of plants.
In the last year of my undergraduate studies here at Parsons, I hope to build upon my experiences in physical computing, socially conscious design, and interaction exploration to have a whol'otta fun while I can still get away with it, specifically combining my sewing machine with my soldering iron in Making Wireless Toys.
As a child, my favorite toys were my big brother's three suitcases full of legos, similarly pictured here (photo credit). My villages spanned many centuries, from the classic medieval castle to the alien spaceships, but always with a modern-age penitentiary, with one of the pirates scaling the interior wall.
But, as my mother reports, my blankie was really my favorite, without which I never left the house. Yeah, I was a really playful
If you want, you can visit my website: R. Stern.
Nicole Robinson took my photo above.