I am Ana Velez, I was born and also raised in Bogota, Colombia.
I have a bachelor’s degree in graphic design. I have been working in the field of
signage and graphic identity for diverse cultural institutions in Colombia for about 5 years. I led the signage and identity projects for the Museum of Colonial Art, the Luis Angel Arango Library, the National Museum of Colombia and the
I am interested on taking the class because I do not have any experience in Physical Computing and maybe my thesis project is going to involve the use of sensors or wireless technology in some way. I am working on the idea of creating an interactive “tourist experiences” for people which involves having to get into the privacy (people life and private spaces).
My favorite toy when I was a kid was a very non-technological doll made of fabric. Her name was Florecita Madrigales that means "Little Flower" ( I do not have any idea of what Madrigales means but it was her last name).
AnimaLand / AnimaLand full documentation
DinnerTimer Final / DinnerTimer process / Inspiration / Concept
Rosita the sheep / Inspiration Toys Patterns
Sesame Street Double Fun Giggle Ball: Enrie and Bert (Beto y Enrique)