Romeo and Juliet, even though their in-laws didn’t like each other, finally got married.
Time passes by, and they feel their love start to fade dealing with busy life in the big city.
They decide to go see a marriage counselor, Dr. Frankenstein.
Dr. Frankenstein, the mad scientist he was, invents a magic heart that represents the burning love between Romeo and Juliet.
Today, after a dozen kids, Romeo and Juliet are expecting their 13th child… The magic heart is always on! And the fire is always lit! =)
Romeo and Juliet have magnetic switches in their hearts. Whenever they get the groooooooooove on, the magic heart lights up and makes sounds! "C'mon baby~", "Light my fire!"
Click below to watch their lighting heart love story! (PG 18)
* Large Version - recommended (12 MB)
Click here to check out the making process >>
Thank you, Stephanie and Ian, for contributing your voices! =)