To simplify and play with the ripple idea, several waves were created which react to the presence of a person with blob detection. There were some issues with getting the behavior completely understood and under control. While it is clear you are affecting the ripple, you don't exactly know how, and this lack of understanding negates the sense of control established in the space.
Starting fresh with the firefly concept, the blob detection ripple code was used as a basis to create fireflies independent of our previous synchronization idea. These are much more abstract fireflies that are attracted to blobs where they generate trails and 'glow'. These are attractive to use. In use, the flies will gather projected on a person's body. A person can play with them and 'catch' them on their hands. There has to be some patience as the usage is not great a fast movement, and some play is necessary to establish control. The lightning precursor played a part in the implementation of this prototype.
Zipped pde's:
Group Noise
To begin, worked on implementation of having the audio file volume increase and the audio noise volume decreased. The eased the transition between the two audio component, and affected the look and feel by making the audio file not always present. When a person steps into the vision, the music begins to be slightly perceptible, which hopefully encourages them to fully explore exposing the sound and calming the visual noise to create a temporary, tenuous sanctuary through group effort.
Following, images were integrated. First, a static image, and then with a Muybridge progression. It would be possible to put other images and/or video in the background as well. As the visual noise decreases, the opacity of the image(s)/video increases. In regards to role: the use of images feels very literal. The feeling is that the images ought to convey a more concrete message. With the purpose of the piece to stimulate group interaction, images with groups are possible images, but they feel incomplete (see still example). The Muybridge series has an appeals ambiance, but this only weakly contributes to overall meaning (see Muybridge example).
Finally, in exploring a more abstract color treatment, a low opacity rectangle covering the noise was applied. The blue rectangle become more opaque as the 'amount' of presence in the field of vision increases, or as more people are there. Simultaneously, the auditory noise decreases and the audio file increases. Visually the pattern now looks like soft moving water. The water idea connects to our other ripple concept. All of this contributes to a sense of tranquility.
Ring50 is an iteration for the beginning of the storm-scape in the lightening piece. It explores the technique for getting many clouds to follow through blob detection. This will later be combined with lightening and new images of clouds instead of circles. The implementation is getting worked out before the final look and feel details are perfected.
Lightening is the beginning of an interactive piece that will strike the sudden movement of a user. It is currently scaled back to the essence of the interaction and later more lightening bolts and clouds will be added to the storm-scape. We will be using last blog detection code along with speed and easy ease. A combination of storm clouds gathering near the latest blog and any sudden movements evoking lightening. It is a subtle wall interactive installation that is best shared in a space with frequent passers that are pausing for the use of an elevator or another line. There can be a slight competition between users for the lightening to strike them.
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