Math 1
e1:Use one variable to set the position and size for three ellipses.
view Math 1 exercise 1
e2:Use multiplication to create a series of lines with increasing space between each.
view Math 1 exercise 2
e3:Explore the functions for constraining numbers. Use min() and max() to draw a regular pattern of lines from a sequence of irregular numbers.
view Math 1 exercise 3
Control 1
e1:Create a few relational expressions and print their evaluation to the console with println().
view Control 1 exercise 1
e2:Create a composition with a series of lines and ellipses. Use an if structure to select which lines of code to run and which to skip.
view Control 1 exercise 2
e3:Add an else to the code from exercise 2 to change which code is run.
view Control 1 exercise 3
Control 2
e1:Draw a regular pattern with fi ve lines. Rewrite the code using a for structure.
view Control 2 exercise 1
e2:Draw a dense pattern by embedding two for structures.
view Control 2 exercise 2
e3:Combine two relational expressions with a logical operator to control the form of a pattern.
view Control 2 exercise 3
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